

雅特力「AT32 MCU馬達應用培訓」精彩落幕,揭示先進控制技術

01 Oct., 2024

2024年10月1日,雅特力科技於台北成功舉辦了全天精實的「AT32 MCU 馬達應用實務培訓」。此次培訓由雅特力的專業技術團隊主講,深入探討針對馬達應用的多種方案....

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基於雅特力AT32 MCU的洗衣機電機控制驅動方案,解鎖智能家居新體驗

14 Sep., 2024


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Washing Machine Motor Control Solution with AT32 MCUs, Bringing New Experience of Smart Home

14 Sep., 2024

With the development of artificial intelligence and Internet of Things, traditional home appliances transform toward intelligence gradually, among which the smart upgrade of washing machine has greatly improved the quality of life....

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23 Aug., 2024


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Quick Start Guide for ARTERY Motor Applications

23 Aug., 2024

Target motor type:
Three-phase permanent magnet synchronous motor (brushless DC motor BLDC)
Control methods:
Sensored/sensorless FOC vector control
Sensored/sensorless 120° square-wave commutation mode

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微控制器D Forum 2024科技創新論壇 | AT32 MCU預見智慧科技推動「芯」浪潮

09 Aug., 2024

8月9日,一年一度最具專業性的D Forum 2024科技創新論壇於台北艾麗酒店盛大落幕,今年逾300個相關科技行業專業人士與會。雅特力憑藉豐富的微控制器經驗和專業的研發團隊,在市場上已累積相當多的成功案例...

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雅特力AT32 MCU通過IEC 60730功能安全認證,為家電產品提供安全保障

20 May., 2024

近日,雅特力AT32 MCU安全庫順利通過IEC 60730功能安全認證,為家電產品提供安全品質保證。國際公認的測試、檢驗和認證機構SGS為雅特力科技頒發了IEC 60730認證證書,彰顯了雅特力科技在家電控制領域的卓越品質和技術實力,也為其在全球範圍內的廣泛應用奠定了堅實基礎...

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ARTERY Achieved IEC-60730 Compliance for AT32 MCUs to Guarantee High Performance and Safe Operation

20 May., 2024

ARTERY AT32 Software Library has recently passed the verification of IEC-60335 compliance to provide high performance and safe operation of AT32 products. SGS, the world’s leading testing, inspection and certification authority, issued the Verification of Compliance to ARTERY, which recognized ARTERY’s excellent quality and technical strength in the field of home appliances, and also laid a solid foundation for wider application of AT32 MCUs....

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雅特力新推車載型AT32A423系列 助攻車用電子方興未艾

13 May., 2024


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ARTERY Powers up Automotive Electronics with AT32A423 MCUs

13 May., 2024

ARTERY officially launches automotive grade AT32A423 MCUs on May 13, diving deeper into the automotive MCU market. The AT32A423 series integrates rich peripherals and functions, provides high reliability and performance, and supports a variety of package types to meet different memory demands. It has passed AEC-Q100 qualification tests, enhancing functionality and reliability for automotive applications...

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雅特力首顆低功耗M0+ AT32L021 MCU小巧精悍強勢登場

28 Feb., 2024


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ARTERY Launches Its First Low-power Cortex-M0+ AT32L021 MCU

28 Feb., 2024

ARTERY officially unveiled an entry-level low-power AT32L021 series on February 28. The AT32L021 series features configurable Flash memory and SRAM size, provides 7 types of package from larger to as small as 3 x 3 mm, and includes 21 models in total...

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雅特力AT32 MCU與SEGGER攜手合作 開發量產事半功倍

20 Jan., 2024

近日,雅特力與SEGGER共同宣佈J-Link模擬調試器與Flasher燒寫器全面支援AT32 MCU產品,SEGGER工具鏈的加持使AT32 MCU開發如虎添翼...

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ARTERY AT32 MCU Works with SEGGER to Promote Development Efficiency

20 Jan., 2024

ARTERY and SEGGER have recently announced that J-Link debug probes and Flasher programmers fully support the AT32 MCUs, which can make users more efficient with faster operation and development...

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雅特力AT32 Work Bench圖形化代碼生成工具 簡化嵌入式開發最佳利器

15 Jan., 2024


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ARTERY AT32 Work Bench Accelerates Embedded Systems Development

15 Jan., 2024

With rapid development of Internet of Things, embedded systems have found themselves into a wide range of application scenarios, even having been part of our daily lives. As the need to boost efficiency and performance of embedded products is increasing, the question of how to cut development cost and cycle of 32-bit MCU-based applications is emerging as a common concern among developers...

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08 Jan., 2024

隨著電競市場、工業自動化、物聯網等領域的快速發展,電子設備追求更高的傳送速率和更穩定的資料處理能力,USB 2.0以其高速傳輸、簡易連接以及良好的相容性得到廣泛應用,滿足了電子設備對於大量資料傳輸的需求,進一步優化消費者產品使用體驗...

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ARTERY AT32 MCU-based Solutions for High-speed Multi-Functional Peripheral

03 Jan., 2024

Office facilities are always fundamental to business. To save manpower and promote efficiency, more and more user-friendly office equipment have been introduced, and one of the most brilliant device is the multi-functional peripheral (MFP) that integrates copier, printer, scanner and fax machine...

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雅特力AT32打造高速芯機 多功能事務機應用方案

03 Jan., 2024


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2023年末回顧 | 新年啟“芯”篇,2024攜手前行

29 Dec., 2023


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ARTERY AT32F405-based HS USB Drives E-sports Keyboards, Mouse

20 Dec., 2023

Taking the world by storm, E-sports industry has witnessed rapid growth in recent years. According to statistics, the number of global E-sports players has reached more than 500 million as of 2022,
with the market share worth of 1.3 billion dollars. Such growth momentum is attributed to the technological advancements, particularly the high-speed USB interface technology – one of the key components in USB application solutions...

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20 Dec., 2023


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ARTERY Introduces Its First Automotive-Grade MCU to Power Next-Generation Vehicles

28 Sep, 2023

The automotive industry has adopted the new acronym CASE to describe the future vehicles: Connectivity, Autonomous, Sharing/Subscription, and Electrification. Under the framework of the CASE trend,
"Software-Defined Vehicles" is the only way to change the ecology of today’s automotive industry...

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28 Sep, 2023


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雅特力2023 AT32 MCU CORTEX-M開發應用實務培訓課程台中秋季場 好評加開

22 Sep, 2023

雅特力首次前往台中舉辦AT32 MCU CORTEX-M開發應用課程,為客戶提供在地化技術支持與服務,特別延續上回台北夏季場的AT32F423高速ADC資料擷取應用實作培訓課程,藉由AT32 IDE軟體(GUI)開發環境工具,協助客戶更快掌握MCU開發設計重點...

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AT32 MCU-Based High-Performance Motor Control Solutions

18 Sep, 2023

With the development of industrial automation and growing awareness of energy conservation and carbon reduction, BLDC motors have been widely applied to improve the energy efficiency. Focusing on high-speed and real-time control, AT32 MCU-based motor control solutions improve motor vector control accuracy with the help of AT32 MCU high-performance computing and real-time sampling efficiency. Motor current is a critical physical quantity feedback in the field-oriented control (FOC) algorithm of three-phase AC motors...

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雅特力AT32 MCU高效實現電機驅動控制應用

18 Sep, 2023

近年全球提倡發展工業自動化之際,節能減碳意識不斷加強,直流無刷電機強調更高的能源轉換效率,得到了廣泛的應用。電機控制方案重點在於高速即時的控制,AT32 MCU高性能運算與即時採樣效率賦予了電機高效工作能力,提升了電機向量控制精確度,而在三相交流電機磁場導向控制(field-oriented control,簡稱FOC)的演算法應用中,電機電流為不可或缺的物理量回授資訊...

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微控制器D Forum 2023科技創新論壇 | AT32 MCU賦能AIoT高效接軌”芯”科技帶動”芯”能量起航

09 Sep, 2023

9月8日,由Digitimes舉辦年度微控制器D Forum 2023科技創新論壇於台北華南國際會議中心盛大落幕,現場逾200個相關科技行業專業人士與會。今年論壇主題「微控制器系統開發及應用」緊扣「AIoT」、「工業控制」、「低功耗」等重點議題...

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ARTERY Launches AT32F402/F405 MCUs Designed with HS USB2.0 OTG

04 Sep, 2023

In response to the demand of high-speed USB market, USB2.0 has been introduced and widely applied to various devices for its high-speed attachment capacity, plug-and-play and hot plugging functionalities that help to improve user experience and device ease of use...

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新品登場!雅特力發佈AT32F402/F405高速USB2.0 OTG MCU

04 Sep., 2023

因應高速市場USB需求,產品技術不斷推陳出新,USB 2.0發展帶來的高速連接能力,優化使用者的產品使用體驗,且由於支援隨插即用和熱插拔,提高設備易用性,USB介面在各項設備中成為主流通用接口...

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ARTERY Debuts AEC-Q100 Qualified AT32A403A for Automotive Applications

10 Aug, 2023

ARTERY has recently launched the first automotive grade AT32A403A MCU, marking its successful penetration into the automotive MCU market. Characterized by high performance, safety and reliability, the AT32A403A series is suitable for automotive body control, advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS), car audio & video, automotive battery management system (BMS) and other automotive applications...

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10 Aug, 2023


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雅特力2023 AT32 MCU CORTEX-M開發應用實務培訓課程台北夏季場 人氣爆棚

27 July, 2023

7月27日,雅特力與代理商夥伴之一鑫特力科技協力合作舉辦教學課程AT32 MCU 開發實務應用培訓,本次培訓課程以AT32F423高速ADC資料擷取應用實作,藉由AT32 IDE軟體(GUI)開發環境工具,協助客戶更快掌握MCU開發設計重點...

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15 Jun, 2023


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雅特力分享「AT32 MCU解密AIoT智慧終端芯時代」主題演講精彩紛呈

13 Jun, 2023


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雅特力攜手光菱電子洞見高雄芯科技 AT32 MCU應用培訓實戰開課

26 May, 2023

5月26日,雅特力與代理商夥伴之一光菱電子共同協力合作教學課程「2023 AT32 MCU應用培訓」在國立高雄科技大學舉辦,為帶動產業技術升級,提升創新科技服務能量,本次培訓課程透過AT32 MCU教學ARGB應用實作,同時完整介紹AT32 MCU全系列產品和開發工具,讓學員經由實作課程更加熟悉進一步延伸其它應用領域...

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23 May, 2023


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AT32 MCU-Based Low-voltage Motor Control EVB and Library

23 May, 2023

With the development of industrial automation the popularity of smart home and automotive electronics, brushless DC motor (BLDC) and permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) have been widely used in wider fields. The motor drive and control technology is the key of mechanical equipment, which can greatly impact product performance and consumer experience...

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重磅! 雅特力發佈全新超值型AT32F423系列MCU,以高性價比搶攻高性能應用市場

20 Apr, 2023

4月20日,雅特力正式推出AT32F423系列超值型Cortex®-M4F MCU,內建單精度浮點運算單元(FPU),支援多管腳及封裝選擇,具備高效能、高集成和高性價比等特點,為AT32家族超值型產品線又增添了一名生力軍。AT32F423片上集成豐富外設資源,提供高速的資料傳輸及處理能力,聚焦超低預算開發需求,同時兼顧成本敏感及高性能需求的嵌入式應用...

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ARTERY Debuts Much-Anticipated AT32F423 MCU, Aiming Higher

20 Apr, 2023

ARTERY officially unveiled a new value-line AT32F423 MCU on April, 20. This device, powered by Cortex®-M4F, features a floating point unit (FPU), along with rich pins and packages for diverse customer demands. Characterized by its powerful performance, high integration and cost-effectiveness, the AT32F423 series further adds to the diversification of the AT32 MCU family in terms of cost-sensitive application solutions. With rich peripheral resources on board, the device is capable of processing data at a faster speed, giving full play of its role in various embedded applications targeting not only low-cost development but also high-performance requirements...

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雅特力舉辦2023第一季AT32 MCU CORTEX-M開發應用實務培訓課程 圓滿落幕

17 Mar, 2023

3月16日,雅特力與代理商光菱科技共同合作在台北舉辦AT32 MCU CORTEX-M開發應用實務培訓課程,現場皆來自高科技產業的研發或產品工程師和學術領域先進,課堂中非常踴躍提問,在經過一整天的訓練課程後,相信學員們對於AT32 MCU已有相當程度的了解...

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雅特力AT32 MCU完整生態系統 加速創新開發進程

23 Feb, 2023

雅特力AT32 MCU基於32位元Arm® Cortex®內核,提供完整一套AT32 MCU開發工具平台,透過易用的軟硬體工具,提升使用者良好的開發體驗和效能,降低入門使用門檻,並減少重複設置工作,加速開發效率...

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AT32 MCU Ecosystem Enhances Innovative Development Efficiency

23 Feb, 2023

Based on 32-bit Arm® Cortex® core, ARTERY has developed a set of complete AT32 MCU development ecosystem to provide easy-to-use hardware and software to improve development experience and performance, lower barrier to entry, and reduce repeated work to enhance efficiency...

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直播預告|雅特力AT32 MCU高效電機應用平台與解決方案

22 Feb, 2023


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AT32 MCU-Based Photovoltaic Applications Promote Development of New Energy

16 Jan, 2023

In order to cope with climate change and ease energy shortage, countries around the world are promoting the shift from fossil fuels to low-carbon energy resources...

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基於雅特力AT32 MCU的光伏逆變器應用,助力新能源發展

16 Jan, 2023


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ARTERY MCU Family Provides Innovative Solutions for Smart Industry

29 Dec, 2022

In the past year filled with opportunities and challenges, ARTERY has increased research and development investments, enhanced communication with customers to provide better solutions, and obtained widespread recognition from its global consumers for its high-performance MCU products and first-class service. As COVID restrictions eased from the end of 2022, the global economy is expected to recover at a considerable rate, unleashing vitalities and potential of all industries...

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雅特力AT32 MCU 用”芯””智”造智能科技

29 Dec, 2022


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ARTERY AT32F4212-based 120,000 RPM High Speed Brushless Motor Hair Dryer

19 Dec, 2022

With the continuous improvement of consuming capability and modern industrial technologies, the hair dryer market has entered the stage of developing green-oriented, efficient and multi-functional products to meet the growing demands for better hair dryers...

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19 Dec, 2022


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ARTERY Tech MCU AT32F435/437 Earns Best MCU/Driver IC of the Year

09 Dec, 2022

2022 EE Awards Asia Awards Ceremony was held on December 8 in Taipei. As one of the most anticipated events in semiconductor and electronics industries, EE Awards Asia has gathered more than 400 entries from 137 companies around the world this year, and invited engineers to vote for the best brand and product. There were five major EE Awards Asia categories, with a total of 22 sub-categories: Start-Up Award, Product Award, Spotlight Award, Company Award and Analyst Award...

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賀! 雅特力AT32F435/437獲選EE Awards Asia「亞洲區—年度最佳MCU/Driver IC產品獎」 閃耀”芯”光

09 Dec, 2022

EE Awards Asia為亞洲區半導體和電子業的年度頒獎盛會,全球137家相關科技企業,超過400份提名角逐,獎項包含新創獎、產品獎、人氣獎、企業獎與推薦獎,共有22個獎項進行投票,同時邀請各個專業領域工程師評選出最優秀的品牌和產品...

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雅特力 2022「D Forum微控制器論壇」創"芯"科技 擘劃未來

11 Nov, 2022

11月11日,由Digitimes在臺北華南國際會議中心主辦年度「D Forum微控器論壇」熱鬧展開!該論壇主要為微控制器專業論壇,每年皆邀請MCU領域中專業國際品牌匯聚於此,共同分享創新技術里程碑,雅特力非常榮幸在今年受邀分享AT32 MCU高效能、高品質及高口碑,展現產品優秀實力...

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Artery Launches AT32F4212 MCUs Featured with Dual Operational Amplifiers for Motor Applications

24 Oct, 2022

To meet the demand for low development budget, Artery launched AT32F421 value-line Cortex®-M4 MCUs at a comparable price to Cortex®-M0. Since its official release in September 2020, this series of MCUs have earned great reputation and have been widely applied in fields such as motor control, industrial automation, IoT and consumer electronics....

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高性價比電機應用之選 | 雅特力發佈AT32F4212系列雙運算放大器 MCU

24 Oct, 2022

雅特力AT32F421系列超值型Cortex®-M4 MCU,著眼於超低開發預算需求,發售價可媲美Cortex®-M0價格,自2020年9月正式發佈,產品推出兩年來受到市場用戶一致認可,已經成功應用於電機控制、工業自動化、物聯網及消費性電子等眾多領域....

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ARTERY and IGM Co-host 2022 AT32 MCU WORKSHOP in Seoul

18 Oct, 2022

On October 18, the 2022 AT32 MCU WORKSHOP was jointly held by ARTERY and IGM in Seoul, which introduced the complete AT32 series MCUs and development kits, and carried out on-the-spot teaching and practice to give participants better hands-on experience with AT32 MCUs....

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雅特力「2022 AT32 MCU應用課程」首發韓國培訓 成果豐碩

18 Oct, 2022

雅特力10月18日首次於韓國首爾舉辦「2022 AT32 MCU應用培訓」,本次活動為雅特力與韓國代理商之一IGM共同協力合作教學課程,培訓內容完整介紹雅特力AT32 MCU全產品系列與開發工具,以及現場教學實作,讓參加學員親身體驗AT32 MCU強大的產品實力....

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ARTERY AT32 MCU Digitizer Tablets for Innovative Paperless Applications

07 Oct, 2022

In recent years, electronic products have been iterated continuously and consumer products become more and more intelligent; meanwhile, much more attention has been paid to green development and environmental protection....

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雅特力AT32 MCU 數位板 科技創新無”紙”境

07 Oct, 2022


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ARTERY Further Improves Ecosystem and Creates AT32 IDE for High-efficient Development

30 Sep, 2022

When it comes to the 32-bit ARM microcontrollers, ecosystem is a popular concept that is regarded as a key factor that determines whether a MCU product is mature in addition to powerful functions of the MCU itself. AT32 IDE is a software development ecosystem that is specially designed for developers to improve their development experience and product usability....

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雅特力進一步完善生態體系,AT32 IDE助力開發更高效

30 Sep, 2022

在32位ARM微控制器時代,生態系統的概念深入人心。一個成熟的MCU產品,除了MCU晶片本身強大以外,還需要完善的生態系統作為支撐。AT32 IDE是專為AT32 MCU開發者打造的軟體生態,極大程度的提高了使用者開發體驗和產品易用性....

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ARTERY High-Performance AT32 MCUs Boost Stable and Reliable Smart BMS Protection Board Application

22 Sep, 2022

In recent years, with higher requirements for the production and manufacturing of new energy vehicles and increasing demand for safer drive batteries, high-performance drive battery BMS has been valued highly and its market share has grown sharply. According to statistics, the market size of BMS in China reached 9.7 billion yuan in 2020, with a year-on-year growth of 6.6%, and it is expected to surpass 12 billion yuan in 2022 and 16 billion Yuan in 2025....

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雅特力高效能AT32 MCU,打造穩定可靠的BMS智能保護板應用

22 Sep, 2022


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ARTERY AT32 MCU Vector Variable-Frequency Drive Solution for Industrial Automation

24 Aug, 2022

The increasing requirements on industrial automation and energy conservation continues to promote the development of variable-frequency drive (VFD) and its widespread applications in electric power, cement, elevator, mining, metallurgy, transportation and other sectors. Over the past few years, the VFD market has seen rapid growth. In recent years, in particular, the VFD market has maintained an annual growth rate of 12%-15%, expected to continue growing at a rate of more than 10% within five years....

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雅特力AT32 MCU向量變頻器應用方案,賦能工業自動化高速發展

24 Aug, 2022


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ARTERY AT32 MCU drives the new future of AIoT

23 Aug, 2022

With the rapid development of semiconductor technology, the Internet of Things (IoT) is increasingly becoming integrated with artificial intelligence (AI)....

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雅特力AT32 MCU「芯」勢力崛起 驅動AIoT「芯」未來

23 Aug, 2022


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ARTERY AT-Link+ to Support AT32WB415 Bluetooth Module

08 Aug, 2022

AT-Link Family consists of AT-Link, AT-Link-Pro, AT-Link-ISO and AT-Link-EZ. They are debugger/programmers for the AT32 microcontrollers and used to facilitate development of applications based on AT32 microcontrollers....

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08 Aug, 2022

雅特力AT-Link Family由AT-Link、AT-Link-Pro、AT-Link-ISO與AT-Link-EZ四款編程調試工具組成,為採用AT32系列MCU進行方案設計和量產燒錄提供了整體解決方案....

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A new experience of connecting AT32 MCUs applications to USB HID

22 Jul, 2022

When it comes to traditional devices, we often think of mass of entangled electrical cables crammed into a limited space due to the fact that data transfer used to be generally dependent on USB cables linked to host. With the advancement of science and technology and the popularization of the Internet of Things ( IoT ) over the decades, a growing number of devices have gradually gone wireless.....

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AT32 MCU USB HID應用,實現無縫連接「芯」體驗

22 Jul, 2022


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立創EDA導入雅特力器件封裝庫,AT32 MCU開發生態再添利器

11 Jul, 2022


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自動化新變革: 雅特力AT32 MCU與智慧共生

30 Jun, 2022


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ARTERY AT-SURF-F437 Evaluation Board to Experience the Power of AT32F437

22 Jun, 2022

In late 2021, ARTERY released its high performance AT32F435/437 MCU. Thanks to its rich on-chip resources, ultra-high integration and cost-effectiveness, the device has drawn the attention from an increasing number of engineers and microcontroller enthusiasts, gaining popularity among users since then....

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22 Jun, 2022


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16 Jun, 2022


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Artery Technology Launches AT32WB415 Series Bluetooth 5.0 MCU

16 May, 2022

Artery Technology released a new wireless and low-power device, AT32WB415 series, which is compliant with Bluetooth Low Energy specification 5.0, and TUV Rheinland certified....

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雅特力重磅推出AT32WB415系列藍牙BLE 5.0 MCU,開創”無線”物聯網未來

16 May, 2022

雅特力科技近日推出全新一代低功耗無線藍牙MCU,該技術符合Bluetooth Low Energy core 5.0 雙模規範,並已由Bluetooth SIG (藍牙技術聯盟) 認可的德國萊因藍牙品質認證測試通過,確保藍牙產品的相容相連....

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ARTERY Launches New Development Tools for More Comprehensive AT32 MCU Development System

22 Apr, 2022

ARTERY has recently launched a series of new software tools including AT-Link Console, ISP Console, New Clock Configuration and I2C Timing Configuration. A complete set of new versions of BSP, Pack, ICP, ISP and ISP Multi-Port (tool packages) are released accordingly....

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雅特力推出全新開發軟體工具,打造更完善的AT32 MCU開發生態

22 Apr, 2022

雅特力日前推出一系列豐富的軟體工具,包括AT-Link Console、ISP Console、New Clock Configuration、I2C Timing Configuration等;同時發佈全新升級版BSP、Pack、ICP、ISP、ISP Multi-Port....

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AT32F425 Series MCUs Pass USB 2.0 Compliance Program Testing

25 Mar, 2022

According to Allion test results, ARTERY Technology AT32F425 series MCUs passed USB2.0 Tests for Embedded Host and for Peripheral and obtained ALLION USB 2.0 compliance program certification....

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雅特力AT32F425系列MCU獲百佳泰實驗室COMPLIANCE PROGRAM USB2.0測試認證


近日,雅特力AT32F425系列MCU在百佳泰測試認證實驗室通過USB 2.0一致性測試,並取得“USB2.0 Test Report for Embedded Host”及“USB2.0 Test Report for Peripheral”兩項測試報告...

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雅特力官方Linkedin正式開張!Artery's LinkedIn profile is now open!

25 Jan, 2022

眾所期待的雅特力官方Linkedin開張啦!想知道雅特力的最新動態, 新產品發佈, 還有免費開發板的活動, 現在就"+關注"我們的官方帳號按讚留言吧!...

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ARTERY Releases AT32F425 Series Value Line Cortex®-M4 MCU

18 Jan, 2022

On January 18, ARTERY Technology (雅特力科技) launched the newest edition of its value-line AT32F425 microcontroller — featuring up to 96 MHz CPU. As the third product of AT32 value-line MCU Family, AT32F425 series based on advanced 55nm process combines rich peripherals and excellent performance with ultra-high competitiveness, dedicated to becoming the best choice for entry-level MCUs with USB OTG...

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USB OTG與CAN應用的開發首選 | 雅特力發佈AT32F425系列超值型Cortex®-M4 MCU


1月18日,雅特力科技正式推出頻率高達96MHz的AT32F425系列超值型微控制器新品。作為AT32 MCU家族的第三款超值型產品,AT32F425採用了業界領先的55nm先進工藝,聚焦於超低開發預算需求,以超值性能、超值外設及超值價格三種優勢為USB OTG應用提供高性價比入門之選...

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AT32 MCU Works With Amazon Alexa for a Smarter Life

05 Jan, 2022

Today, the world is changing rapidly with the ever-changing technology. Among other technologies, 5G, IOT and AI have even penetrated into almost every aspect of our lives, making it possible for humanity to lead a smarter and greener life...

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雅特力AT32 MCU導入Amazon Alexa,推動智能居家升級



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ARTERY (雅特力科技) Launches High-Performance Cortex®-M4 MCU AT32F435/437

10 Dec, 2021

ARTERY Tech (雅特力科技) released two new MCU series — AT32F435 and AT32F437 on Dec,1. Featuring high performance and up to 288 MHz operating frequency...

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出道即顛峰!雅特力發佈超高性能AT32F435/437系列Cortex®-M4 MCU


12月1日,雅特力科技正式推出兩款主頻高達288MHz的AT32F435與AT32F437超高性能微控制器新品,在已有主流型和超值型產品線的基礎上,拓展了高性能產品線,進一步豐富了AT32 MCU產品佈局...

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ARTERY Tech (雅特力科技) MCU AT32F407 Wins Best MCU of the Year

16 Nov, 2021

2021 EE Awards Aisa Awards Ceremony by ASPENCORE was held at Le Méridien Taipei on Nov, 16. ARTERY Tech (雅特力科技) MCU AT32F407 Series was given the award of Best MCU of the Year for its excellent performance and strong market recognition...

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雅特力AT32F407系列高效能微控制器榮獲EE Awards-亞洲金選獎「年度最佳MCU」產品獎


11月16日,由《EE Times》與《EDN》出版集團ASPENCORE主辦的首屆「EE Awards Asia-亞洲金選獎」頒獎典禮在台北寒舍艾美酒店隆重舉行...

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ARTERT Tech (雅特力科技) makes debut at 2021 D Forum with high-performance AT32 MCU

11 Nov, 2021

2021 MCU D Forum sponsored by DIGITIMES kicked off at Taipei Huanan Bank International Conference Center on Nov, 11. ARTERY Tech (雅特力科技) took part in this event, introducing a variety of products, application and solutions such as consumer goods...

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雅特力攜高性能AT32 MCU精彩亮相D Forum 2021 微控制器論壇


11月11日,由DIGITIMES主辦的“D Forum 2021 微控制器論壇”在台北華南銀行國際會議中心圓滿舉行。雅特力科技攜消費、工控及電機等多款終端應用產品和解決方案亮相活動現場...

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「Upcoming events」Join ARTERY (雅特力科技) at 2021 MCU D Forum

29 Oct, 2021

ARTERY Technology (雅特力科技) will take part in 2021 MCU D Forum on Nov,11 and give a presentation on the development trend of the MCU industry. You are cordially invited to join us at ARTERY booth...

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「活动预告」雅特力邀您莅临“D Forum 2021 微控制器論壇”


11月11日,雅特力科技將出席「D Forum 2021 微控制器論壇」並發表演講,誠邀您蒞臨雅特力展位參觀交流!...

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ARTERY Tech (雅特力科技) Celebrates Office Relocation

27 Oct, 2021

Five years of hard work and exponential growth has seen a new milestone in the development journey of ARTERY Tech (雅特力科技) — We moved to our new office: 5F., No. 1, Jinshan 8th St., East Dist., Hsinchu City 30080 Taiwan...

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煥然“芯”生,智“繪”未來 | 雅特力新辦喬遷典禮圓滿舉行



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「Online Seminar」ARTERY (雅特力科技) Provides Cost-Effective MCU Solutions for Smart Motor Control

13 Oct, 2021

With the development of motor applications and rising awareness of environmental protection, there are more and more products featuring energy saving and high efficiency and they are gradually dominating the market. Meanwhile...

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馬達應用的發展,隨著環保意識的抬頭,節能、高效的產品需求逐漸成為市場主流,直流無刷馬達( BLDC Motor ) 也開始被業界大量使用,對此,馬達控制技術就顯得極為重要,無論是產品的效率,或是消費者的使用感受,都關乎於馬達控制技術的好壞...

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ARTERY (雅特力科技) High-Performance AT32 MCU’s Debut on Global MCU Conference

26 Aug, 2021

The Global MCU Ecologic Development Conference sponsored by Aspencore was held in Shenzhen Sentosa Hotel on 26th, Aug...

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Artery provides MCU platform system for Yun Tech

23 Mar, 2021

The donation ceremony of Artery MCU development platform was held in the conference room of the administrative building of National Yunlin University of Science & Technology (Yun Tech) at 2 pm on March 23...

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Artery certified by ISO 9001

21 Dec, 2020

On Oct, 23, Artery Technology Company successfully passed the ISO 9001:2015 quality management system certification...

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